Saturday, November 13, 2010

Find the Word exercise

When I had joined a spoken English improvement course, there they made me do certain exercises. I will say that these spoken English exercises are very helpful in improving your communication skills. I am discussing one of those exercises which I feel is really beneficial for all.


To help the students recognize the right pronunciation of words, and help them gain speed in recognizing words.


  • It's somewhat a class exercise, so more the number of students, the better it is.
  • A person who is good in English is supposed to be mentoring the session.
  • A blackboard, chalk and duster.

Exercise Rules:-
  1. Divide the number of students in two groups. Let the groups be Group A and Group B.
  2. Write some words (around 20) on the blackboard.
  3. Call one person each from both groups. Give a chalk to both of them.
  4. Now the person who is mentoring the session is supposed to read loudly any word on the blackboard, and the students are supposed to cut that word with chalk at the earliest.
  5. The first person to cut the word, gets his group one positive point.
  6. Repeat with all the students, by calling them one by one from both groups.
  7. Make sure to maintain a lively environment in the class, as this exercise is great fun to do.
  8. After all the words are finished, just total the points and announce the winner group.

I am sure you will hear a loud cheer when you announce the winner group. That's all for today from Improve Spoken English.

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  1. Love this suggestion! I will try it with my classes. Thanks!

  2. Thanks Lisa for the comments. I should say that the details provided by you for the course content were in the best order that could be possible. A really impressive description of your work. I saw your web site, it's cool.

