Saturday, October 17, 2009

English Song with Lyrics-1

Today, I am going to present an awesome song by Britney Spears to improve your Spoken English. The song is a real good one. But the most important part are the lyrics of the English song. Try to read the lyrics along with the song, it will help in in better pronunciation.

The lyrics are very helpful to understand what is being sung, and the song provides the information for its pronunciation. The more you listen to it, the more you will start to remember the song. So there would be many occasions that you will sing the song or some part of it in your mind. So that is good as you would be thinking in English.

Check out the English song below:-

The lyrics of the song are displayed in the video.

I loved this song I tell you. I hope you enjoyed the song along with the lyrics. Its a great learning experience to hear quality English and sing in English along with them. When you sing, then in fact you are speaking in English. That fulfills the basic requirement of Improving Spoken English.  Songs have always been a very nice way of relaxation, but this time they would be a boost to our fluency and Communication skills also.

That's all for the day folks. Enjoy the English song and enhance the power of your Communication with this great audio. Improve Spoken English will soon be back with yet another effective solution for a fluent and error free Communication.

Don't miss these:-
Listen English Songs

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