Friday, October 9, 2009

For better Communication, talk to yourself

The essence of learning to improve spoken English lies in speaking in English. May it be with a friend, or to yourself. Talking to yourself is called soliloquy. It is a good way to shed your fears, and practice English so as to improve your Communication. The importance lies in the fact that while you speak to yourself, you are not dependent on anyone, and since no one else apart from you is involved, so it helps in removal of hesitation in speaking.

Advantages of Speaking to Yourself for improving Communication Skills

There are many advantages of speaking to yourself for getting fluency and improving communication Skills. Some of them are listed below.

Removal of hesitation
The best part of speaking to yourself is that there is no one else involved. So there is no fear that any one will laugh on listening to your English. This is a great advantage, as this will build self confidence very soon in you. The more you gain confidence, the more your hesitation will shed off. The main impact of this is that, you will be able to speak easily in front of others.

No dependency
You can always speak in English anytime. You do not need any of your friends for that, and so it can be practiced as per your level of comfort. It happens that some people like to talk in the night, when no one else is available. In such cases the dependency factor comes into picture. It might be that you do not have anything to talk to yourself, in such cases just grab an English Newspaper and start reading it loudly. This will help you mouth muscles to get used to the English words pronunciation. That's why I have stressed earlier on the use of English Newspaper for improving Spoken English.

You can practice as per your comfort
You can practice speaking in English in the day, afternoon or at midnight. You just need to be alone at that time, and you are all set to it. Take small breaks from your schedule or fix your free time for this job. You will soon realize building of fluency in your Communication Skills.

You gain confidence at a fast rate
Since the more you practice, the more you gain confidence that you are comfortable with your English. This will help immensely in building your confidence for spoken English. You will get used to many words, and you will be using them often in you spoken Communication.

Every thing in this world has their own disadvantages, but you can counterfeit them with proper measures.

Disadvantages of Speaking to yourself for improving Communication Skills

You may get overconfident
The learning process by speaking to yourself is very powerful, even I have done it many times, and still do it. It is great fun as the level of confidence just shoots up. But you must be cautious for not getting overconfident. In that case, you will stop practicing this technique, and will soon loose rhythm. 

You still need to test your spoken English skills with others
The method of speaking to yourself in English, goes hand in hand with other ways for improving English. This is required to continuously monitor your progress and improvement. You will come to know about your mistakes which were made earlier, and how to rectify them.

That's it for today friends. Improve Spoken English will soon be back with a new way to unleash the power of you communication.

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1 comment:

  1. Correct. I have always done this but never in English. It is a common part of life to talk to oneself, but surely this can be applied to improving communication skills. Great thinking...
