Saturday, October 17, 2009

Think in English

The thoughts of person can drive him to his destination. When a person think, then he is indirectly talking to himself. That is good and important, because while talking to yourself, you can even discuss your extreme thoughts. So there is no lack of topics to discuss, and you can practice easily without being dependent on anyone.

This will also give a very positive boost to the fact that you will slowly stop translating while speaking in English. The key is practice and the hard work that is put into it. For attaining proper command on Communication Skills and fluency, you need to think in English. This will benefit you in many ways. Just think of a child how he learns his mother tongue. It is just by listening to others, and continuously practicing to say what they said. A child is a fighter in terms of spirits. He has got a very strong approach for learning things. Apply the same strategy in your life. Even you have done it as a child, so why not today.

There are many advantages of thinking in English, some of them are highlighted below:-

No dependency on anyone for speaking in English
As when you think in English, it is just your thoughts and you alone. So there is no dependency on anyone. In fact it also helps in the removal of hesitation and building of good self confidence. It is vital as often we think that the other person will laugh at hearing our English, so indirectly it hampers your ability to speak in English in public.

Can practice speaking English all the time
The most important time that I feel that I talk to myself or you can say that think in English is at the night. When I go to bed, I just think about the all the issues that occurred today, and the points to be taken care of tomorrow. I discuss myself in English all time. It becomes a habit, that there is no need for translation left, and the thought slowly and steadily start to overflow in English itself. There is no dependency on time, you can practice at any hour of the day or night. Thinking is a normal process and everyone does it. So why not utilize it to improve our Communication Skills.

Makes a person in a habit to think
The more you think in English, the more your habit to think in English will improve. Practice is the keyword, as often we try to think again in our mother tongue. Be alert with your thoughts, and guide them properly for a healthy English building procedure. This will benefit you very much in the long run. A good speaker is usually a good thinker, so do work on your thoughts. As the outcome of a planned event is usually better then an unplanned one. So while planning something, plan it using English language as a medium for your thoughts.

No need for translation while speaking in English
We translate from our mother tongue to English, when we can't think the meaning of the sentence or words in English. Our thoughts are in our native language and to communicate we need to translate. So the impact is on our spoken English. It creates a very bad impact on the listener when we try to translate and then speak. The key to stop this habit is to think in English. So do practice this way of improving spoken English to the fullest.

This article is one of the most important ways to Improve Spoken English. I should not be counted as a technique but as a basic requirement to improve Communication skills and fluency. No one can ever have a good spoken English, if he or she can't think in English. That's it for today friends. Improve Spoken English will soon be back.

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1 comment:

  1. nice article, i will follow the same and definately speak english without translation that i had been doing for many years.
